Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Lavender (2016)

Lavender is a supernatural horror movie currently on Netflix. I think it's shooting for "atmospheric" but lands squarely at "kind of boring".

Sunday, April 23, 2017

13 Reasons Why on Netflix

I have seen some controversy surrounding this series. Some people think it's exploitative of suicide as entertainment. Some people just think it's boring. However, I think overall response to this series has been fairly positive.

So, this is based on a young adult novel by the same name (well, I think the novel spells out the thirteen, but same diff). It's about a teenage girl named Hannah who kills herself (not a spoiler, she's dead at the start of the series) and sends thirteen tapes around to the thirteen people who, she feels, pushed her to the point of suicide. Each episode is a different tape, and we see, in flashbacks, what happened to Hannah, and we see the fallout of her suicide in the present. The main character is a kid named Clay who had a crush on Hannah and can't for the life of him figure out why he is on the tapes since he never really wronged Hannah in a huge way.

The Princess Bride

HOPEFULLY anyone reading this has already seen The Princess Bride - it is a fantastic movie, it has everything - action, adventure, sword fights, pirates, giants, friendship, true love - it is GREAT. That's it, that's my whole review of the movie. If you've seen it, you probably love it. If you haven't seen it, you need to watch it, because you'll probably love it. Also I think it's on Netflix right now (in the US).

What you may not be as familiar with is the book, The Princess Bride. It was written by William Goldman (who also wrote the screenplay for the movie - which is why I believe it to be the best movie adaptation of a novel of all time), and man, is it good. It is almost exactly like the movie except for two ways, which I'll get to. First, a little backstory...

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Coco Reviews When Calls The Heart: Seasons one and Two

Okay, so this show is ridiculous. When I initially started watching the first episode, I couldn't even get through it, but then I forced myself to finish and I... kind of like it? Though I recognize that it is terrible...


Hi there, I'm Coco! I watch and read a lot of things, and often think thoughts about those things that I read and watch, so I decided to start a review blog because if there's one thing I've learned from the internet, it's that everyone else cares a lot about my opinions on things! I will review books, movies, TV, whatever. Probably when I start going crazy I'll review dreams, or conversations I've had with people (real or imagined). The sky's the limit when you have your very own blog!